Our Last Meal


Some meals you just don’t want to end. The ambiance is perfect, the company lively and welcoming and, most importantly, the food is fantastic. But eventually the check arrives, or your hosts shoo you out, or you get tired and start doing dishes in the hopes your guests will get the point. The time has come dear friends for us to start doing the dishes. After 4 years, hundreds of recipes published (and even more left in the test kitchen), and some great and not-so-great dishes we regret to tell you that we’ve served our last course. You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here. To quote the great Alice Cooper, school’s…out…for…ever.

We’d like to thank our parents for giving us a taste for adventure (and hot dish), and teaching us that vacations are to be planned around what meal or snack we can have next. To our friends and greatest fans: thanks for anticipating our next post, for coming to us for advice on cooking (it made us feel important), and for always eagerly volunteering to try our latest concoctions, good or bad. We couldn’t have done it without all of you.

If you can’t quit us you can head on over to Adventures in Red and Brown,
where Jake is continuing with cooking and expanding into cocktails, beers, housewares, travel, basically anything that suits him and his fiancee’s fancy. You’ll get your fix of Thomas too; he’s the resident graphic designer and contributor. Thanks again for all of your support.

— Jake & Thomas Brown —

4 responses to “Our Last Meal

  1. Congratulations. You have delivered the worst news I’ve heard all day.

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. It was one of my favorite adventures. Here’s to you both.


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